Background Briefing: November 16, 2021
Backsliding Among the World’s Democracies
We begin with the global struggle between democracy and autocracy characterized by yesterday’s virtual summit between President Biden and Xi Jinping and explore the findings in a new study from V-Dem, a Swedish nonprofit that tracks the levels of democracy in countries based on a number of indicators. Joining us to assess the backsliding among a number of democracies that are U.S. allies, Turkey, Hungary, Israel and the Philippines, is Thomas Carothers, the vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace where he co-directs the Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program which analyzes the state of democracy in the world and the efforts by the United States and other countries to promote democracy. He is the author or editor of ten critically acclaimed books including most recently, Democracies Divided: The Global Challenge of Political Polarization and we discuss what is behind the backsliding as well as the need to clean up our own house since Trump’s GOP appears bent on making a mockery of American democracy through vote rigging leading to the possibility of one-party minority rule by an autocrat who like Putin, Orban and Erdogan, is also a kleptocrat.
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