Background Briefing: June 14, 2020
Trump’s Misuse of the Most Diverse Class of West Point Cadets as Campaign Props
We begin with Trump’s use of the military at West Point as a campaign prop at a time when he is being rebuked by the nation’s top military leaders. As Commander-in-Chief, Trump has utterly failed to protect and defend the United States since we are losing more Americans from the pandemic than from all the wars since World War 11. With at least 250,000 of our citizens expected to die and over 2 million now infected from a virus he willfully ignored and is now pretending does not exist, it is astounding he has any support in this country given that on his watch we have seen the greatest number of infections and deaths in the world for which our leader takes no responsibility as he wishes the problem away. An African/American military veteran Malcolm Nance who has over 33 years of experience in counterterrorism and intelligence operations and is the author of The Plot to Betray America: How Team Trump Embraced Our Enemies, Compromised Our Security, and How We Can Fix It, joins us to discuss Trump’s commencement address of puerile patriotic jingoism before the most diverse group of cadets ever assembled at a time of racial strife and national awakening to injustice and inequality. Given Joe Bidens’s warning that Trump may not leave the Oval Office if he is defeated in November, we assess how far this career criminal and traitor will go in colluding with his case officer Vladimir Putin to hold onto power and avoid jail.