Background Briefing: June 8, 2020
Comparing the Latin American Fascist Playbook to Today’s Putsch by Trump and Barr
We begin with whether Trump and his chief enabler William Barr will be able to manufacturer the threat of “domestic terrorism” and invent the specter of Antifa as a deadly scourge to the point it could be used as a pretext for martial law and speak with an expert on how similar bogeymen were created to bring fascist military regimes to power in Argentina and Chile. Federico Finchelstein, a Professor of History and Director of Latin American Studies at The New School and the author of seven books on fascism, populism and Dirty Wars whose latest books are From Fascism to Populism in History and A Brief History of Fascist Lies, joins us. We discuss the differences between our current political leadership being held in check to some extent by the professional leadership of the U.S. military, and the military regimes in Brazil, Argentina and Chile who turned their guns on their own people in the name of fighting terrorism. And while Trump and Barr are using the same rhetoric of blaming unrest and divisions that they are creating on terrorism, they are also labelling liberals, progressives and Democrats as the enemy who are radical socialists bent on taking away your freedom and your guns.