Background Briefing: November 8, 2023

Democratic Wins Look Good For 2024 In Spite of the Party Leader’s Poll Numbers

We begin with the wins for Democrats in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia which augurs well for Democrats in 2024 in contrast to the poor poll numbers for the leader of the party President Joe Biden. Joining us to examine the successful narrative that resulted in a 13 point victory that countered the lies and dirty tricks by the Ohio Republicans is David Pepper, who served as Chairman of the Democratic Party of Ohio from 2015-2021 and is the author of a number of books including A Simple Choice, The Voter File and Laboratories of Autocracy: A Wake-Up Call from Behind the Lines.


How the Politics of Abortion Will Play Out in 2024

Then we look further into the politics of abortion, which will surely play a role in 2024 and already appears to be benefiting the Democrats beyond the issues of abortion itself in the broader sense that a large majority of Americans don’t want a tyranny of the minority infringing on their freedom and imposing their religious dogma in the name of religious freedom. Joining us is Amanda Marcotte, a feminist author, blogger, and a politics writer for Salon. She is the author of Troll Nation: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set On Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself, and we discuss her latest article at Salon, “Voters aren’t fooled by Republican lies on abortion — and Democrats are benefiting at the ballot box.”


Islamophobia in the House as the Only Palestinian-American in Congress is Censured

Then finally we examine how much Biden is losing the Arab-American vote because of his stance on the war in Gaza and the display of islamophobia in the House with the censure of the only Palestinian-American in Congress. Joining us is Wajahat Ali, a New York Times-contributing writer based in Washington, DC, a columnist at The Daily Beast, and the Co-host of the Democracy-Ish Podcast. His latest book is Go Back to Where You Came From: And Other Helpful Recommendations on How to Become American.